I’m Amy Anne.

Nice to meet you.

Welcome. I love to eat. I love to eat with people. It’s a joy to dream up, shop, and prepare food for others. Family, friends (new and old), neighbors, co-workers, and the occasional stranger. I find inspiration in old recipes passed down, baskets of vegetables and sharp-scented greens at the market, photos of baked goods, the aroma of an unfamiliar spice, baking bread, vinegar. Wooden spoons, chipped crockery, vintage table linens, heirloom rolling pins, pie plates, and a sharp knife.

It’s a delight to sit over a shared meal after cooking, glass of wine in hand, and take a deep breathe, pause, and just watch for a moment. Watch the faces squeezed around the table in conversation or mid-bite; sharing stories, encouragements, sorrows, or some odd fascinating fact. Laughter and conversation and goodness rising up along with the increasing volume. I watch … and then join in, savoring every word and flavor.

After those meals I often get requests for recipes. This site is a collection of those requests: original recipes and family favorites, as well as some go-to picks from other bloggers, cookbooks, chefs, and magazines.

Happy eating … and say hello.

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